CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Notification

Please note until further notice, Polyclinic is no longer booking non-essential in-person visits.  For the majority of physicians, we are now offering virtual care clinics from Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm. In-person visits can be only be arranged at the discretion of our physicians. DO NOT visit the clinic unless instructed by the staff

Polyclinic is working on offering a virtual walk-in clinic, updates will be provided on our website shortly at

If you have an existing appointment, our office will contact you to schedule a virtual care appointment with your physician or pre-screen you for an in  person visit. If you wish to book an appointment please call our clinic.

Polyclinic Family and Specialty Medicine Facility is committed to keeping our patients, staff and physicians safe. As such, we have implemented these changes to help contain the spread of COVID-19.

Patients who meet the following criteria will not be able to attend the clinic in person:

If you or someone close to you travelled abroad within the last 14 days

If you or someone close to you have flu like symptoms of fever and lower respiratory illness such as coughing or difficulty breathing

If you or someone close to you  have been in contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19

Where applicable, please call TeleHealth Ontario at 1-866-797-0000 or Toronto Public Health at 1-800-361-5653

For all urgent matters, please call 911 or go to the nearest hospital.