Nerve Conduction Studies measure how fast and how effectively nerves send signals to the muscles.  Since nerves transmit the signals from the brain to the muscles, any pathology of the nerve itself can affect muscular functionality.  This study is done to find out any damage that has happened to the peripheral nervous system.

Reminder List:

  • Must bring a VALID HEALTH CARD and ALL MEDICATIONS currently taking.
  • If Health Card is not valid or expired, uninsured visit charge(s) will apply.
  • Must bring a translator if the patient cannot speak English
  • Patients who wish to RESCHEDULE or CANCEL their appointment must do so at least 48 business hours in advance to avoid a NO-SHOW fee of $113.
TEL (416)-222-6160 ext 277
FAX (416) 645 1978

Description of Test

For this test one electrode will be taped onto the patient’s skin over a nerve and another one taped onto the corresponding muscle that the nerve affects.  A shockwave will be sent through the first electrode and the second one records the reaction of the muscle.  The shockwaves are quick blasts of electricity and the reaction time is tested through the second electrode.  The reaction time is referred to as nerve conduction velocity.  Patients sometimes feel a minor shock, twitch or burning sensation each time the shockwaves are sent through the electrode.  Do not feel anxious prior to the test, remember that it is only low-voltage electrical waves being sent and it should only last less than a second.  This is a very safe and fast procedure that gives doctors valuable information about the nerves ability to function.